Transformations (it's you vs you)

Transformations (it's you vs you)

Struggling to stand out on the Internet, pin down what makes you you, and create a brand that's powerful, unique and remembered?

Well... You're not alone.

One grey evening in January, i get a DM from one of my favorite X ladies.

'Hi Lessa, do you do coaching?'



(actually... i don't)

I'm hesitant.
I don't know what to say.
I don't wanna be yet another 'growth coach'.

(plus, i'd never done that kind of thing for money)

But it's Katie, so let's see...

We set up a call to check what i can help her with. 0 strings. Just vibing.

What I didn't expect.... is us hitting it off right away.

We agreed on... well, making her the best Katie online.

gotta have goals

In our sessions, we

  • drilled down on best X practices (yee ok some growth is part of the game)
  • distilled her message and content strategy
  • started telling her story online
  • prioritized and set her goals

We also worked on her branding for the world to see and feel the difference.

And lemme say... Katie hit the ball out of the park.

(I couldn't be more proud)

Here's Katie vs Katie:

But that's just on X.

We also reformed her newsletter signup page...

'Dang, hers looks 10x sleeker than mine'
– me after finishing the page

And I wasn't the only one impressed...

With her new-found confidence, direction + pretty sleek branding, Katie went from 3 years of writing into the void to THIS:

click to sign up

Here's Katie's journey in her own words:

'Starting on X I had no idea who or how to be on the platform. X is full of people shilling conflicting advice about what to do to grow—but I saw Lessa doing it her own way, showcasing her opinions and her wicked sense of humour. She was being her real self and I knew I wanted to do that too.

Since working with Lessa I’m clear and confident in what I bring to social. I know my brand it’s 100% true to me, which makes posting easy and interacting (actually) fun.

Calls with Lessa help to pinpoint blocks and push past them. She offers insights from her own experience and applies them to you. And she’s created a super fun and useful set of Notion resources to guide you in refining your systems, your brand and your content.

Lessa is essentially a very cool human (you know that’s why you love her). But what you don’t know is that she’s also crazy supportive. If she connects with you, she will champion you. She’ll find your cool and make it her mission to help you showcase it.'

Katie Musgrave

Relate to her story?

Wanna finally nail what you're doing on X, stand out on your feed and brand yourself like a pro?

For the first time EVER, I'm officially offering mentorship.

Let's tell your story.

Check here if we can work together:

click to apply for mentorship

I'm as excited as you are!!

xxxxx Lessa